Making money online can seem so complex. But sometimes it actually isn't so complex in reality and they only package it that way so that you will think they have all the answers and will pick them.
Now you know you don't have to buy into that complexity as the field of online marketing is quite simple. It is actually when you start adding things it when it becomes complex as online marketing has as its main purpose selling. So if whatever you are doing is not generating sales you know that you should just stop it.
Yes you need to serve your shop but how will doing it for free help you turn a profit? It won't and if you want to continue giving stuff away for free then you should just stop reading right here. If you want to make a living and I am guessing that is what you want to do, then you have to sell.
What I teach is how to build relationships, do training, write articles, create products, characterize etc. This is because these are the things that work for me. They buy from me because I have the answers to their questions but don't think I have whatever mediocre in my online business.
I have a list that comes from sources that are extremely target and I am also very selective about where I place my articles. I don't just put them on random narrative directories but instead submit them where I know I will be getting the attention of the readers that are in my niche target group.
I then have a extra filter on my website so that they don't just roam around the website but instead go to a exact place where they will get the help they need. It's been five years since I have been using this ideas and the crusade engines still can't shape out how I get to filter my traffic like that.
That is not my only source of traffic though and I have a amount of other sources that are also extremely targeted. Most population don't do what I do but instead just try to get traffic from every inherent place or every inherent way they can. Then they don't get any sales and they wonder why; because they are not reaching their target populations that's why.
Targeting your buyers isn't hard, here's what you need to do;
1. First you have to make sure that your niche has buyers; it must be profitable so if there are no inherent buyers you need to find something else. Then all you need to do is get these population to buy once you have found a niche with buyers.
2. Next you need to create the products that your buyers will want to spend their money on. If you have crap then you won't get any buyers even if there are millions of buyers out there just waiting to spend their money so you have to offer high quality products that are great than what your competitors are selling.
3. The next step is writing sales letters which will have the primary function of convincing population that they should buy from you. You have to have a killer sales letter as nothing but the best will get you buyers.
4. When you find your buyers you have to be enticing so that they will want to be on your list. Ensure that non-subscribers can't get on your website this way they will have to subscribe if they want to benefit from what you have to offer.
Though you have articles all over the internet they won't want to read all of them on different websites as that may be pretty time and power consuming. Instead they will want to just get it all in one place for a small price.
5. When you have done all of the above then you naturally have to up the ante and get yourself some more traffic so you can up your earning potential.
How to Make Money Online? You Can accomplish Online Success With This simple recipe