March 27, 2012

Death to Fleas

Summers here in Texas can be brutal! The intense heat, the humidity. Not a summer passes without hearing of at least one person collapsing from heat exhaustion. I am fortunate to possess what every Texan aspires to own: air conditioning. Now that might seem as mundane as, say owning an indoor toilet, but truth be told, there's still many people here in Texas today who do not have A/C. In fact, until I was thirteen, I also lived in a house with no A/C.

But I digress from the branch of this entry, which is Fleas. I only mention that about the heat here in Texas as an example of any way bad it may be, it does not even come within spitting length of the horrors of Fleas.

See, with the arrival of summer, the heat and humidity, we also get, you guessed it, Fleas. Humans might dislike immoderate heat, but these blood-sucking creatures Love the heat. It's their breeding time. people may do most of their conceiving while the winter months, but not Fleas! Oh no, they like it hot, apparently a fan of the movie.

Anyways, we have three cats, one inside cat and two face cat. Now, dealing with these fleas every year, you'd think that we would have come to be smarter about it. But no, each June when the Fleas start hatching, we do nothing to take any precautions until it's too late. What can I say? We've slept since last summer.

So, our face cats pick up the fleas, and presents them to our inside cat. Yes, I know what you're thinking: Why don't you keep your face cats outside? Like I said, the Fleas only get bad in early summer. The rest of the year they are not a problem; so we forget their existence until, you guessed it, it's too late!

For the last two weeks, I have been cleaning my house much more than normal. I've been vacuuming my Whole house every day! constantly shaking flea powder on the inside cat, Brat. I should just throw her fleabag butt out the door, but she's just too pretty! A holy terror for sure (hence the name) but beautiful nonetheless. Besides, she's just a baby still, and it's not her fault she has Fleas. Poor thing, she runs and tries to hide whenever she sees me arrival toward her now!

So, back to cleaning. My house Shines, it Sparkles! Not a dustbunny anywhere. Martha Stewart would be proud. But the Fleas remain. I've spent at least fifty dollars on flea and ant death powder to put on carpets and floors. The darn things won't sit still long adequate to be killed. They jump and jump and jump all over my Sparkling house, evading the death powder. How inconsiderate is that? My daughter, complaining of killer dust clouds in the house, ran away to a friend's house last weekend where she could, presumably, breathe without gasping.

But still they're here.

I was tired. I was discouraged. I was just about to admit defeat and remove myself to an additional one lodging and let the Fleas take over this house.

Then the fleas crossed the line. All the time I had been engaged in open warfare with the Fleas, I had not felt any personal animosity towards them. They did their best to suck my blood; I did my best to stop them. Just the way of nature, right? I didn't hate them; not them personally. Of course, I hated it when they bit me, but I didn't hate them, even though I was doing my best to kill them.

But then, like I hinted at above, they crossed the line. They, in their arrogance and perceived superiority, committed an error they will soon regret. One of their bloodsucking soldiers, either ignorant of or fully disregarding the rules of warfare with humans, that is, to stay within the bounds of feet and ankles, decided to reconnaissance my son's ear. He quickly paid for his transgressions.

But it does not end with only the one transgressor dying a horrible death (being squashed between my fingernails). Oh no! Because now my blood is boiling! My hatred is rampaging! I will hunt down every singular flea and make them All pay for the sins of the one!

Death To All Fleas!

Death to Fleas

S.S.C. Napoli News Blog USB Cable Adapter iPhone Bed Bugs Shopping

March 23, 2012

think fat In Vs Out And Macronutrients For Maximum Results

Something curious I was reasoning about the other day... Let's say you burn, on average, 2500 calories a day. Whatever, we just need a amount here. And you eat 6000 calories a day (that's a lot of food, but can be realistically consumed by an average person). If a pound of fat is 3500 calories, you'd be gaining 1 pound every single day (well that's the issue at hand). Now, let's say you were to continue this pattern for a month. Hell, let's up the ante. Say you burn 2500 calories a day, but you eat 9500 calories a day!!! That's a 7000 calorie surplus. If you were to do this now, for one month, 30 days, theoretically, you would gain 60 pounds! Holy F!!! But what I was wondering is, "Would that categorically happen?" Think about it. A month is not that long of a time. If fat loss/gain is purely a numbers game, then experts would say you'd be 60 pounds fatter in a month... Could this categorically be?

My Humble Theory

Honestly, I doubt you'd gain 60 pounds following this trend. Especially not 60 pounds of pure fat. I think the body would maybe not dispell everything, or bypass nutrients somehow. However, you would obviously gain a sizable amount of fat so don't go on the 9500 calorie diet tomorrow, please:) Anyway, that's not the focus of this post anyhow, just some food for thought.

The point of Macronutrients

I'm sure you or man you know has Googled about this diet or that diet... Atkins, Zone, Pritkin, Raw Food Diet... I could go on for days. With so many dissimilar theories, all coming from the "experts" how are you supposed to know what the heck to eat!? Sound like you? Well I have tried many dissimilar diets and seen what works and what doesn't work for me. What works best for me is the Paleo Diet. Why?

1. I tend to eat less food thorough while staying full.
2. It's lower-carb as a by-product which works for me for faster fat loss.
3. The recipes are ordinarily easy, so I can categorically whip it up in the kitchen!
4. Kills off craving for junk food and sugar, so I don't cheat as much.
5. Tastes good.

Okay, now if you're wondering what the heck the Paleo Diet is, then read my other Ezine post on it. The Paleo Diet is not a "Fad Diet." It's more of a lifestyle diet, which means less of a roller coaster effect. It revolves around natural, unprocessed foods, specifically meats, nuts, veggies, and fruits. I don't want to dive too far into debating diets on this post, that's someone else time. But the point is that macronutrients (carbs, fats, and protein) will sway hormones and your body will retort to them differently.

If you haven't heard of Gary Taubes, he is a well-touted nutritional scholar and, author of "Good Calories, Bad Calories." The Fda I'm sure hates him, because he goes against the conventional Wisdom grain to the max. His book explains in detail the mechanics of food energy and how it's processed by the body. Not only the quantity, but also the type of macronutrients that are consumed.

Here's a overview of some of his key law from his book and readings:

* Counting calories is overrated. It's sometimes overlooked as to where those calories come from because of the result they have on hormones (carbs, fat, protein).

* Refined carbs and sugar cause a quick spike in insulin(high glycemic index). Insulin is a storage hormone and is largely responsible for bodyfat accumulation, especially for endomorphs or population who tend to gain weight easily.

* population eat food to fuel the body, but carbs will often make you feel lethargic and categorically end up with less energy than before.

I propose you read some of Taubes' stuff or watch some of his videos. Heck, buy his book if you want. You'll probably wind up a bit more enlightened than you are now about dieting and the like.

Okay, so there are the population who focus solely on macros, reasoning on Atkins they can eat 5000 cal/day of fatty meat and lose weight super quick. They forget, or pretend to forget, that how much you eat also makes a big difference.Then there's the other guys...

The Other Side of the Equation

The "other guys" so to speak, run with the idea that it doesn't matter what you eat, but only how much you eat. Okay, to an extent, they're right. If you burn 2500 calories a day and eat nothing but Twinkies, but only 800 calories worth(what is that, like half a Twinkie?) you will lose weight. That's right! Maybe I'll sell an eBook on the "Twinkie Diet" and make millions. But I won't, because they might reconsider me a serial killer if I did. And also the sure reasons, here's why this diet would suck:

1. Your diet would be a 100% processed, refined diet... Yuck.
2. Nothing but carbs and fat... A bad combination, and oops, no protein. Byebye muscles!
3. Carbs will make you hungrier, so you'd be miserably starving all the time... 800 calories of whatever and you're likely to be starving all day.
4. You'd probably die in a week... Not really, but your arteries might scream at you.

Obviously, no one is going to take this route (God, please don't), but the fact is, 800 calories of whatever a day, and you're gonna lose weight because you're burning well over 800 calories a day even in a coma. But what kind of weight, muscle? Water? Maybe some fat, but with the loss of everything else, you may wind up seeing worse than before.

Nutritional "Experts" are constantly Playing it Safe

"Don't try and eat more than a 500 calorie deficit a day, or you'll go into starvation mode and lose muscle." How many times have you heard that before? Okay, let me first say, that is Bs. I can attest to that firsthand. Low calorie diets can work wonders, it's continuing extremely-low calorie diets where metabolism will slow down and bad things will happen. You could safely go two weeks at even a 800-1000 calorie deficit and as long as you keep following a resistance training schedule at least a few times a week, you will lose hardly any muscle if any.

So the bottom line is that What you eat and How much you eat are both significantly prominent factors. Don't get caught up so much into what kind of diet you get into that you forget to watch your calories. But also don't let yourself believe that "I'm on the Xyz Diet and so I can eat however much I want" either. I know, I know... It's tough. You gotta pay attentiveness to quite a few things, but if this were easy, every person would walk around with a Hollywood Body year round.

I propose doing some research on the Paleo Diet for recipes and some more detailed info. I categorically believe it's the easiest, healthiest, and most efficient way to an ideal body weight and optimum health.

think fat In Vs Out And Macronutrients For Maximum Results

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March 18, 2012

rehabilitation of Yeast Infections

Yeast infections do occur, whether it is a baby or a geriatric person that suffers it; male or female; in any part of the body from the mouth, to the genitalia, and everywhere in between where there is a fold of skin that provides warmth and moisture. Remember that yeast is present in our body and can beyond doubt be controlled by the bacteria that we also have in abundance. However, sometimes, the natural balance of the body is upset and all of these infections cop to the surface. It may be an overgrowth of bacteria, causing bacterial infections, or it can be an overgrowth of fungus, which results to all sorts of fungal infections, including yeast infections.

There are a lot of cures for yeast infections and its symptoms. Unfortunately, most of the medicines like Monistat, ant-fungal creams, and -azole creams can only eradicate the immediate symptoms but not the whole infection. Therefore, there is a great possibility that the yeast infection will recur.

Some researches indicate that the best selection to cure yeast infections is straight through natural home remedies or natural cures that are bought as supplements in health stores; like Threelac. There are mixed reviews on each particular brand. Threelac, a few say, may cause side effects that are very uncomfortable and inconvenient for it to be worth the trouble. However, some defend threelac, saying it is the most potent "killer" of yeast.

Other natural remedies contain botanical sprays that are quite effective too, and tablets that are made of natural ingredients like garlic, that have natural antifungal properties. The advantage of most natural remedies is that rarely does it happen that they cause negative effects to the body. For instance, apple cider vinegar, garlic tablets and garlic cloves, and oregano oil are all natural remedied for yeast infection and have reportedly not given any side effects to those who tried them.

Since there are separate types of candida infections, there are also separate ways to apply natural cures and home remedies. Garlic tablets can be taken orally or can be put inside the vagina to cure genital yeast infection effectively. If you are suffering from ample yeast infection in the genitalia, you are to take garlic tablets orally, and may opt to press a clove of garlic and apply it to the affected area, normally at the tip of the penis.

Over the counter medications, especially the ones taken orally can cause dizziness, nausea, headaches, and abdominal pains because of their strong acidic ingredients that kill off the fungi in the stomach. And then, the yeast infection strikes again and you are forced straight through the same painful process more than once.

With natural cures and home remedies, yeast infection therapy does not need to be painful; in fact, aside from curing yeast infections, you might find yourself healthier in just about all aspects of your body's system. Nevertheless, if your yeast infection keeps on advent back, even with all the medications and natural remedies, it would be best to consult with a doctor. Yeast infections that recur may be a sign of other, more serious ailments like prostate cancer, Hiv, or diabetes.

rehabilitation of Yeast Infections

Cristiano Ronaldo Skills

March 13, 2012

Texas Holdem Tournament Strategy - Poker Tournament Fundamentals

This is the second in the Texas Holdem Strategy Series, focusing on no limit Texas Hold'em poker tournament play and associated strategies. In the first installment, we examined a real-world tournament scenario and how to handle a single class of difficult players - the "maniacs", aggressive, wild players that are commonly encountered in today's poker tournament venues.

In this article, we'll seek the techniques that were used more closely to best these players, along with stitching a Texas Hold'em tournament poker strategy together with some good poker tournament fundamentals.

Let's begin with some foundational elements of any winning tournament poker strategy - clearly understanding our priorities. In poker tournaments, each player's former objectives are:

1. Survival - first and foremost, surviving to play at the final table, and ideally to be the last surviving player (the winner!) is of famous importance.

2. Building and Protecting that Chip Arsenal - to survive increasingly large blinds and tougher competition at the latter and final tables, a player must build up and sustain a "chip arsenal" - a substantially large stack of chips - early sufficient in the competition to be capable of surviving and taking assorted necessary, calculated risks from time to time.

This must be done without risking the whole tournament and Building that chip arsenal in the process. Failure to build an early chip lead is a sure mark to being eroded away once the blinds and antes increase, chewing away at your stack until you're cornered or dead.

3. Sustained Focus - concentrating on your game plan, attacking when the right cards and situations present themselves and converting those opportunities into "profits", while avoiding killer momentary lapses of calculate (i.e., making occasional mistakes by not paying close sufficient attention). Focusing like this over an extended duration of time is much more difficult than it seems, requiring a constant vigil, self-awareness and self-discipline.

4. Adaptability - as the tournament progresses, it's critical to recognize when the game dynamics change and fast adapt to new conditions such as:

o estimate of players at the table

o Style of the players

o Size of your chip stack vs. Opponents'

o Odds the pot is giving you, especially as blinds and antes increase

o New players arriving that are initially unknown quantities

o New table you've been moved to and avoiding mistakes.

Since Texas Holdem tournament events are specifically designed to progressively eliminate players, your foremost objective must be to survive and safe your stack of chips. Taking unnecessary risks is a method for disaster and an early trip home...someone can always get lucky against you.

Demonstrating the patience to hold back and strike at the most opportune moments, when the odds favor your success, and with a permissible battle plan in mind is critical. While others are visiting and socializing, daydreaming, watching the waitresses, and otherwise taking their eyes off the ball, when you're at a tournament table, it's time for your focused concentration on the game at hand. This kind of extended concentration span becomes increasingly difficult to maintain, so rest up before playing in a tournament - do not play when tired if you can avoid it.

I also propose against alcohol while playing, as it leads to impaired judgment and fatigue.

Here are some basic guidelines to use when playing in poker tournaments or at any table where there are many players that you don't know well:

1. Put in order and Refine your Battle Plan - when you enter a tournament, you're going to be fighting a "battle" for survival - against the blinds, the antes, fatigue, as well as against the other players. Would any good troops commander go into battle without having first surveyed the battle field, understood the enemy and its tactics, and without having a well-conceived battle plan which takes these facts into inventory and ensures success? Of course not! If they did, they probably wouldn't live to tell about it.

You shouldn't go into a poker tournament without having completed some pre-planning for the battle ahead either. Think about your plan and several things you'll do in each typical situation ahead of time. Refine this once you're at the table as your battlefield unfolds before you.

2. Start out slowly. Be patient. Use the early tournament period, while the blinds are still low, to study everyone at your table, identifying the most likely prey, understanding their habits and play styles. Use this time to mentally Put in order and refine your "battle plan" for transferring their chips into your stack. It's best to formulate several strategies while your pre-tournament planning, and then refine each one as you see how the game is undoubtedly shaping up, the types of players at your table and how you'll arrival each situation.

3. Set the Stage - play a few "ugly" hands early, limping in occasionally and feeling your way around the table with the other players while the blinds are still low, playing a few hands you wouldn't ordinarily even consider. This prevents you from beginning out with a table image as a solid or tight player; otherwise, you may not get the performance you'll need when you do get those pocket rockets (Aa) and great opportunities later.

4. Know Your Own Table Image - everyone develops a "table image". Be aware of your own table image, and be rigorous to mix your game up along the way so that you can't undoubtedly be "typed". Once others can predict your behavior and your likely reaction to a given situation, they'll absolutely use it against you. For example, if you play mostly excellent hands and fold at the first sign of trouble, other players will fast type you as "weak" and will steal you blind, taking advantage of that knowledge by representing hands they don't undoubtedly have so you'll fold. If you task that image, know it, so you can trap them with a good hand - make the most of it, since that will absolutely destroy your weak table image...

In the first article, I let several aggressive players push me around a dinky early on, then limped in and dropped out on a few draws, so they all concept I was a tight, weak player and a good target for their aggressive style of play. Letting them push me around some, while not losing much to them, conditioned these aggressive players to push me even harder when they undoubtedly shouldn't have - a huge error on their part that I converted into a chip leadership position.

5. Be Careful, safe Your Stack - You must safe your stack and survive until you get some good hands you can use, so be rigorous to expend that chip depot deliberately and judiciously - always with purpose. When a player raises you significantly, you must think: 1) how much of my stack can I afford to spend in this one hand, 2) can I win this hand if I play it fully, and 3) what kind of play will yield me the most chips and give me the best total odds to win against this single player.

6. Get a Real Hand and extract Its Value - don't go up against maniacs and aggressive raisers without a real hand - and definitely, do not challenge them while you're chasing a draw! Their power is their bravado and wild, aggressive betting style - it's also their biggest weakness. When you do get a real hand that you believe is a winner, you must get the most value for it by extracting as many chips as possible from the other players:

o Hit aggressive players head-on, triggering their aggressive response systems, and be willing to stick it out with them, re-raising them all-in if critical since you know you're likely in top position, or

o Trap them with a check-raise play. You can often just let aggressive bettors take the initial lead, betting into you and thereby become pot-committed, foremost them to putting many or all of their chips at risk. That's another calculate you'd great have a real hand whenever you challenge the aggressive players - they typically just will not fold or back down, and

o Bet sufficient to extract a critical chip "profit" from the opponents, without forcing them to fold, if you're sure you have the winning hand.

7. Pay concentration and Focus Outwardly - watch everyone and everything that's going on at your table. Don't daydream, and for Pete's sake - do not focus on your own hand! As a normal rule of thumb, spend 3 times as much power and time trying to determine what other players are keeping (especially when you're not in a hand), gauging their play and betting styles, and refining your battle plan - than you do reasoning about your own hands and play. You won't be playing that many hands if you're a good poker player, so use this ready time wisely.

8. Play the Pot Odds - most people think too much about their own hand and what they might draw next. That's because calculating and playing the pot odds isn't yet second nature to them. If that's you, then you absolutely need to get the poker odds ingrained into your subconscious mind, so they're second nature and you don't even need to think about them while you're playing. Find yourself a good Texas Holdem poker odds calculator, custom with it, and you'll learn the odds of drawing each type of hand and find that you don't need to think about them.

9. Bluff for the Pot from Good Positions - as the blinds and antes increase, the size of each hand's pot becomes substantial. Bluffing for these pots from permissible positions (e.g., acting late with a big bet, acting first with a semi-bluff hand and bigger bet) is a good way to hold your own while everyone else struggles against the blinds.

10. Play the Player - the key to winning in poker is to get other players to make the wrong play, which you then behalf from. To do this, knowing your opponents, understanding what kinds of hands they play, either they'll fold when bluffed, and knowing when it's time to lay down your hand to plainly survive and play another is crucial.

The alternative is to do what many players do - just leave most everything to occasion and play the game in a random, unpredictable fashion with anyone hands you're dealt; a.k.a. "gambling".

They say "those who fail to plan, plan to fail", and that "hope is not a strategy" - a integrate of my favorite sayings that come to mind...have a plan, and execute it.

You must be prepared to mix up your play sufficient that players aren't sure what to expect from you. It's helpful to "shift gears" from one mode of operation to another from time to time. It's also recommended to play the opposite from everyone at the table; e.g., if most everyone is playing tight overall, then loosen up your play and take advantage of them by overplaying some hands, going on some draws, and a few semi-bluffs. If the table becomes loose, tighten up and strike with a good hand or trap them.

Remember, aggressive players' egos ordinarily can't handle being overtly raised or publicly challenged. They expect to be the famous raisers and dominate the game, so they'll often re-raise or go all-in in order to leverage their aggressive position against you. Be ready! You can just about count on it. When they push you at the wrong time, sock it to 'em! You can use these types of players to build up your chip arsenal and maybe earn yourself a seat at the final table.

There aren't any absolutes in no-limit Texas Holdem tournament strategy, which is one of the things that make it so spicy and challenging. These are just a few good tips and techniques that will help you get started and do reasonably well against some good players and some aggressive ones.

Finally, it's been said "if you can't spot the sucker at your table, it's probably you!" I love this saying, because it's so true. If you do your pre-planning and have confidence in your game plan, along with an capability to seek the opponents and apply the permissible techniques against different kinds of players, you'll go far in Texas Holdem poker tournaments.

So, there's your first set of Texas Holdem poker tournament strategies. I sure wish someone had condensed things down like this for me when I first started playing. It would've saved me years of learning it the hard way. Enjoy.

Good luck!


Texas Holdem Tournament Strategy - Poker Tournament Fundamentals

S.S.C. Napoli News Blog Loan to Value Ratio Mortgage

March 9, 2012

Boric Acid - The Best Roach Killer

Roaches are a disgusting horror when you don't know how to get rid of them. Fortunately there is a low toxic productive clarification : Boric Acid.

Why It's The Best

There are two original reasons boric acid is the best.

1- Roaches can't invent immunity to the acid. Roaches have a waxy substance on them that holds in moisture. Boric acid eats off the wax and it dehydrates the roach.

2- Roaches take the Boric Acid back to the nest. Boric acid is so benign (according to epa) that the roaches do not perceive they are in trouble. Once a female roach begins to die she will drop an egg casing. The newly hatched roaches will die fast from the boric acid from the female mother.

What Type of Boric Acid to Use?

The best form is in a paste. It is white and is similar in thickness to toothpaste. You naturally put a small dab under counters and crevices or in any place you think the roaches are. The paste has attractants in it. The roaches will come to eat the paste and take it back to the nest. The paste will get rid of roaches for up to one year. It's very productive if population live somewhat clean. Roaches will be eliminated in one application.

Boric Acid Dust

Most boric acid is sold in a powder form. This is they type you typically buy from big box retailers. It does kill roaches, but is not as effective. You have to be sure you know where the roaches walk. In addition, if you can't get to the right spots you can not eliminate the roaches. The other factor is do you want boric acid dust all over your house? I have personally used the dust and not had good success with it.

Mrf 2000

Mrf 2000 is a proprietary boric acid paste that is used by many pest operate clubs worldwide. It is ready in small contribute for collective use.

Boric Acid - The Best Roach Killer

EPL Zone Shopping

March 4, 2012

Tv Shows For Backpackers

Not many television shows are produced with backpackers in mind. Still, there are some tv shows that can be appreciated especially by backpackers. They may even include some beneficial lessons. Here are some examples of the best.

The excellent National Geographic Specials

Specials produced by the National Geographic community are great viewing when you want to get motivated for new backpacking trips. The older ones are some of the best for this, like the thirty-year-old part where four guys built a raft and floated down the Yukon River. You can find many of these on Dvd now in communal libraries, as well as in some video rental stores. You can se newer episodes on the National Geographic Network and occasionally on Pbs.

Les Stroud's Survivorman

This television program is all about wilderness survival. You'll find it on the Discovery Channel, the Science Channel, and maybe others. It's about one man against the elements. The man in this case is Les Stroud, who is put in discrete environments to survive for seven days while filming himself.

One great highlight of Survivorman is that each show has a "theme." The Canadian arctic episode, for example, has Stroud left with a broken-down snowmobile. He cannibalizes this discrete beneficial items, together with the seat cushion, which he uses for a insulating sleeping pad. The Sonoran desert part has him in the middle of a desert with a broken dirt bike, and he uses wires from this to weave a blanket of grass.

The show is creative and entertaining, but is a survival program beneficial for backpackers? I think so. There are exact techniques of survival that Stroud shows us and, more importantly, the inspiration the show provides. Survivorman lets you know that you can survive - and it gets you in the habit of mental about how to use all things colse to you. This is knowledge that not only makes the wilderness more interesting, but could also save your life someday.

I Shouldn't Be Alive

It's a pure survival story show - all true stories of citizen that have survived some of the most horrible circumstances in every type of wilderness. In one part the story is told of a merge who were stranded for nine days in the middle of winter in the Sierra Nevadas - with a baby. They literally shouldn't be alive, but they are.

This is the point of watching a show like this. It is inspiring. Watch the part where the man crashes his plane in the African desert and breaks his spine, then faces killer elephants, ants, thorns, hyenas and more. If you are ever lost in the wilderness, just recall a few of these shows and you'll know that citizen have survived worse situations than yours. You won't give up hope too easily.

The discrete "reality shows," like survivor, are mostly drama and more about political survival than wilderness experience, but there are other things for backpackers to watch on television. These include movies that get us motivated, like the "White Wolf," series. Movies like these may not be full of great acting, but they all the time put juvenile hikers in beautiful setting that make us want to get the pack out and start development plans.

One final recommendation. If you can catch it on television or rent it from the video store, watch "The Edge," with Anthony Hopkins. It is an inspirational survival story for starters. It also has some of the most beautiful scenery you'll see in a movie. You'll want to start planning a trip to the Canadian Rockies before the movie is even over. This one is my kind of backpacker television.

Tv Shows For Backpackers

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