April 11, 2012

Brain Power - Your New mark to Peak performance and Success

At the turn of the century the key to success was being in the agricultural industry. If you had the biggest farm or the most cows you were doing pretty well. Then citizen started enthralling from farming into the era of the commercial revolution. Now you needed to find a good job and if you had a college degree you could make it of course big; and saved your money. Most didn't save so they are still working or struggling financially today. Next came the technology age followed by the data age. We are still in the data age, and this has of course created a major problem for us.

There is data coming at us from every direction. We get emails, internet news letters, internet popups, Tv news, Tv adds, radio, cell phones and don't forget there are still news papers and magazines and citizen calling us on the phone during evening meal with great deals. Then there is your boss who needs your time and attentions, your principal other wants your time, and if you have children under 18 multiply all by 2 per child. No wonder so many citizen suffer from some form of attention deficiency, with all the data coming at us how could anything stop long sufficient to pay attention without losing something else.

Your brain's capability to dispell all this data or then process it, recall it, and then use it when needed will be your mark for success in the coming century. The problem most citizen have, with absorbing, processing, recalling and using this constant bombardment of information, stems from their own brain power. Brain power can be viewed naturally as your brains capability to do 5 things:

q Take in information

q Process and store information

q Recall information

q Use data properly

q Focus attention on what's important

During our normal daily lives the stress that we originate and encounter drains our brains capability to accomplish these five functions to the best of our ability. of course we are performing to the best of our ability; our capability is just not as good as it could be. In short our brain power is naturally a function of these five cognitive activities.

We all have a brain power threshold, that point when there is just no more reasoning power left, and once it is reached we peak out in brain power. This is similar to when a weight-lifter peaks out on the weight they are trying to lift. Once the power to lift is gone - it is gone! This happens in your brain also. You can burn-up the power required to function at a peak level and just not have any more juice left. The ensue of you reaching your brain power threshold, while the normal stress and demands of the day continue will yield some of the following symptoms and others:

q You will tend to feel physically and mentally tired before the end of the day.

q Your capability to focus and join becomes weaker.

q You start to make bad decisions.

q You will have a difficult time recalling information.

q You begin to feel sluggish and slow in your thinking.

q You feel stressed and fatigued.

q You have a hard time or just can't sleep.

q You suffer from anxiety.

q And you can have bouts of depression.

Well, here's the good news, all these issues and problems are of course understood from a neuroscience stand point. You have naturally drained your brain of its capability to operate at a peak level. You have used up the fuel your brain needs to operate. By fuel I mean the discrete types of neurotransmitters, hormones and other chemicals your brain and body uses. Chemicals like noradrenalin.

In fact it has been discovered by a team of Cambridge scientists that noradrenalin controls our capability to stop ourselves from doing inappropriate things like blurting out impulsive comments, jumping red lights, or rushing in front of cars. Noradrenalin is only one of many chemicals your brain needs to function properly let alone operate at a peak level.

There are four basal areas that can of course and drastically heighten your brains performance. We call these areas optimum operation factors. They are:

q Brain nutrition

q Mental exercise

q Cognitive programming

q Conscious neuro directed action.

From these four optimum operation factors we have found eight uncomplicated things you can do to heighten your brains performance.

Eight uncomplicated things that will heighten your brains operation based on brain science.

1.Drink Water. Our brain tissue is made of practically 85 percent water. Water is use to move nutrients to all parts of your body, and water is prominent to preventing infections, constipation and many other corporal problems. When you are dehydrated the level of power generated by your brain is decreased. This can cause depression, lasting fatigue syndrome, sluggish cognitive functions and it is believe dehydration contributes to stress and migraines.

A microscopic know fact about water is that if you do not drink sufficient water, your body will naturally start to support water to compensate for the shortage of water in you body. If you want to eliminate water keeping then you should drink more water not less. You can of course originate problems for every aspect of your body and reasoning capability if you don't drink sufficient water.

Our body loses over 10 cups of water a day. We lose 2 cups a day just from breathing. You should drink at least ten 8 ounce glasses of water a day if you are an inactive person. If you live an active life you need about 13-14 eight ounce glasses a day. It is prominent to spread your water intake out throughout your day. It is a bad idea to drink more than 4 glasses of water in a 1 hour time frame.
So start your brain power revising process by naturally drinking more water.

2. Get ample sleep and take reasoning breaks. besides the base sense reasons for sleeping, there are some neuroscience based guess you should understand. during sleep your brain goes though phase or levels of brain activity. In the deepest level of sleep the brain operation know as delta causes the release of human growth hormone (Hgh). Hgh is a protein produced in the pituitary gland that stimulates the liver to yield somatomedins, which stimulate growth of bone and muscle. Hgh is the most abundant hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and it also triggers the entire body on a quarterly basis to replace cells that have died.

Research has also shown a number of other prominent things happen when you sleep. They contain among other things, corporal co-ordination improves, memory, concentration, improved creativity improves. Your feeling of emotional well-being improves as well.
So sleep and rest but don't over steep, oversleeping can upset your bodies clock and make it harder to sleep. To help fall a sleep try the following:

q Take A Warm Bath:

q Exercise

q Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine & Tyrosine-Rich Foods At Night

q Avoid Sleeping Pills

q End your day in a relaxed environment

q Do not watch television in bed

q Use meditation or brain entrainment technology

3. Brain Nutrition. Your brain is like a car. A car needs gasoline, oil, brake fluid and other materials to run properly. Your brain also needs extra materials to run properly: glucose, vitamins, minerals and other principal chemicals. Your brain must create the right proteins and fats to do things such as grow new connections or add myelin, the fatty sheath on axons. Without the precise number and equilibrium of single construction blocks, your brain will not work properly. Too microscopic (deficiency) or too much (overabundance) of the principal nutrient can negatively influence your brain and entire nervous system.

Stress, worry, emotional distress, drugs, alcohol, poor eating habits and pollution all deplete your brain of these vital hormones and neurotransmitters. Additionally, today's normal diet naturally does not contribute sufficient nutrients to yield sufficient neurotransmitter levels. All combined, these factors can conduce too many negative cognitive conditions.

4. Cognitive Exercise. Your brain can be viewed like a muscle also, and explore has shown clearly that if you use your brain to learn new things on a quarterly basis it will stay strong. However, lack of use will cause it to get weak and lose its power. Four things you can do to exercise your brain on a quarterly basis are:

q Read a new book every month.

q Work on learning a new language.

q Try doing things with the opposite hand.

q Learn new dances, this works both sides of your brain.

q Visit Posit Science at http://www.nacopen.com for brain exercise programs.

5. reasoning Programming. Your non-conscious mind controls how we react to the world. Your desires, fears, habits, personality traits all come from associations contained in your non-conscious mind. What if there was a way to turn the nature of the non-conscious. Instead of working against you in a constant battle with your willpower, what if your non-conscious could instead make you more like you would like to be - how you see yourself without all those bad habits, emotional reactions and fears that block your progress. What if you could suddenly feel happier, or only crave healthy foods? What if being confident, energetic and focused was as easy as all else you currently enjoy doing?

The input you have received from the environment you have lived in over the years of your life make up your reasoning program. The problem is most of us have a schedule that works against us. We have beliefs and attitudes that are just not true or don't work and in most cases we don't even know it. The best and simplest way to find out if your beliefs and attitudes are working to your benefit is to ask yourself two questions. Are you living up to your inherent and are you where you think you should be in life right now? If you answered no, there is a very good chance, something like 99.9 percent, you are operating with less than an optimum reasoning schedule for success.

Imagine what it would be like if you could give your brain a reasoning tune-up, maybe an entire cognitive overhaul and get ride of all the self defeating beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. Well the science now exists to re-program your old dysfunctional brain automatically using what is known as brain wave entrainment.

6. corporal exercise: This can be the branch of an entire description of its own. And most citizen are aware of the benefits of corporal exercise. However few are familiar with the connections between corporal exercise and brain power. exercise stimulates cells to multiply and strengthens there connections. exercise also has the influence of protecting your brain cells from harm.

Probably one of the best reasons to exercise, not related to your corporal well being, is the one relating to your reasoning well being. Memory tests given to 1,740 citizen over 65 during a 6-year scheme have related moderate exercise to reduced risk of dementia. That alone should cause you to want to exercise. These results were published in the Jan. 17 Annals of Internal treatment by a Seattle explore team.

7. Kill the Ant's. automatic Negative Thoughts. These are success killing thoughts that come into your mind without you even giving them a second thought. Examples of Ant's are:

q I'm a jerk

q I'm an idiot

q I can't believe how stupid I am

q That makes me so angry

q Why is this happening to me

q My parents made me like this

q I can't change

q I am not good at anything

q I'm just a failure

q I'm useless

q I could never do that

q Nobody likes me

q I can't get any better

q I'm not smart enough

q My problems will never go away

And there are probably over 1001 other things citizen say or think that fall under the category of Ant's.

Every notion you have, all you imagine and all you believe all have electrical, chemical and biological properties in your brain that have an ensue on every cell in your body. explore has shown that negative thoughts originate stress and stress over a long period of time will have serious harmful effects on your brains capability to function properly.

To began killing your Ant's ensue the steps below:

1. Decide you want to kill your negative thoughts. Until you of course rule to kill your Ant's you will all the time suffer from them.

2. Once you have decided and committed to killing your Ant's, start listening to yourself thought about to recognize your Ant's. The occasion you hear one of those Ant's coming say to yourself:

a. Stop.

b. I'm in payment of my thoughts.

c. And then immediately think of the notion in a certain light.

3. Replace the negative notion with the certain thought.

I use a mythical warrior called Netak. Netak stands for Negative emotions, thoughts and attitude killer. Netak is an 8 foot tall 400 pound Knight wearing a platinum and gold suit of armor carrying tungsten steal sword.

When I guess an Ant attack I naturally think or say "Get Them Netak". And Netak has never lost a battle. In fact when Netak is done with the Ant's they are totally smashed and gone. Try it.

8. Known Neuro Directed Action. And finally, even with a hydrated, rested, strong, healthy, Ant free and properly programmed brain you still need a law that helps directs your actions in the right direction towards your extreme success. Known neuro directed actions (Cnda) are the science of programming your behavior at the neuroscience level to originate the behavior needed to accomplish your goals. When programmed properly you will put your goals on autopilot and move towards them without even reasoning about it. This is similar to the same un-conscious neuro directed programming that happens when smokers get addicted to smoking, or overeaters get addicted to overeating. It happens without you reasoning about it, and the next thing you know you have come to be un-consciously automatically addicted to the negative habit. And we all know how hard it is to break those habits.

You can use this same non-conscious programming brain science to schedule certain behaviors that come to be hard to break also. The process consists of 5 steps known as the NeuroFactor5.

Factor 1. Have a dream a vision or an intention to do something (Dvi). This creates certain neuro-networks that initiate a chain reaction in you brain. But this is just the beginning.

Factor 2 Copenize your Dvi. Once you have identified a Dvi the next thing you need to do is to Copenize it. When you Copenize your Dvi you apply neuroscience explore to cause it to come to be a strong and excellent neuro-network that will overcome the obstacle that will later appear to get in the way. Copenizing is done with visualization, affirmations and other Copenology techniques. The goal behind this technique is to originate a level of passion and desire for the accomplishment of you Dvi that nothing stops you.

Factor 3. Set and Copenize a goal. When you have developed a sufficient number of passion and desire for your Dvi you will then set a goal and Copenize it. The purpose behind this step is to develop the neuro-network you already created. You will learn how to rule if your neuro-networks are strong sufficient when you get to the final step. If your neuro networks are strong sufficient you will have created an actual new set of neuro structures in your brain that can be observed and measured. This is how habits are created and you know have your goals programmed as a habit.

Factor 4. create and Copenize a Plan. If you have done all precise by the time you get to of course developing a plan you should have a pretty solid neuro-network being developed. during this stage you will uncomplicated originate a plan that of course tells you what you should be doing monthly, weekly and daily. To Copenize your plan you will start by writing it down and committed it to memory. You should visualize yourself doing what you have scheduled on a daily basis. schedule the days you are not going to do anything to conduce to the accomplishment of your goals also.

Factor 5. Copenize your daily action. When you Copenize what you should be doing on a daily basis your behavior will come to be automatic. This is very important. Doing this creates a habit of what you need to do on a daily basis and you will not even have to think about doing it, you will just do it just like you do the other things in your life that are habits.

If you have done all correctly, your Dvi is now a neuro-network in your brain, your goal now has it's own neuro-network related to your Dvi neuro-network. And you have created a neuro-network of your daily plan all related to each other in your brain. anything it is you wanted to accomplish is now part of your brain structure and could be observed and measured. Note: be specific of what you wish for. To Copenize your daily operation you should visualize your daily action, use affirmations and other developed Copenology© techniques.

The simplicity of these eight brain power boosters should not be taken for granted. Each of them are backed by brain science explore and practical experience. They work and will work for you. If you want to keep your brain strong and excellent and operate at the peak of your ability, you must have a peak performing brain and the surest way to immediately heighten your brains operation begins with these eight steps.

Brain Power - Your New mark to Peak performance and Success

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