Every country worldwide has been fighting to control pests for ages. The term pest is commonly referred to the harmful animals that are detrimental to human condition or even the ecology. Pests can be even organisms, fungi, or weeds, etc.
Before we study the various means to control the pests, here are a few of pests that we have to fight with most commonly -
Caterpillar is a pest that causes damage to the crops. Termites are known to damage...
April 28, 2012
April 24, 2012
Get Rid of Ants Forever With 5 marvelous Natural Ant Repellent

Ants can be very annoying pests, they are not easy to get rid of, are pretty resilient and there are so many of them. But do not worry, there are some easy ways to get rid of them without using chemicals. Here are five natural ant repellent that won't put you in danger form using toxic products.
1. Vinegar:Vinegar is such a grand natural ant repellent, it will cause those pesky critters to run away from wherever you put it. If ants are advent...
April 20, 2012
How to Make Money Online? You Can accomplish Online Success With This simple recipe
11:30 AM
accomplish, Online, recipe, simple, Success
Making money online can seem so complex. But sometimes it actually isn't so complex in reality and they only package it that way so that you will think they have all the answers and will pick them.
Now you know you don't have to buy into that complexity as the field of online marketing is quite simple. It is actually when you start adding things it when it becomes complex as online marketing has as its main purpose selling. So if whatever you...
April 16, 2012
A Breath of Fresh Air, Literally: Breathe Deeply, It's Good For You!
Breathing is life! That life is fueled by the oxygenation (breathing) process which cleanses the cells with every inhalation and filters out toxic carbon dioxide from the body with every exhalation. Breathing is so needful to our existence that we took our first breath in our mother's womb. The good we breathe, the more efficiently our bodies will function. Elementary schooling schooled us that breathing was an involuntary action, implying everyone...
April 11, 2012
Brain Power - Your New mark to Peak performance and Success
5:45 PM
Birds, Feathered, Furious, Geographic, National, performance, Stories, Success
At the turn of the century the key to success was being in the agricultural industry. If you had the biggest farm or the most cows you were doing pretty well. Then citizen started enthralling from farming into the era of the commercial revolution. Now you needed to find a good job and if you had a college degree you could make it of course big; and saved your money. Most didn't save so they are still working or struggling financially today. Next...
April 7, 2012
Was It surely great In The Fifties?
I don't know the retort to that, I was only a exiguous sprog at the time, but something happened this week that made me ask the question. Fifty years ago now, it seems hard to believe, and how could it maybe have been good then than today?
I was brought up in a sleepy Hampshire town in what was (and still is) called a council house. A council house for those that don't know was a house built and in case,granted by the local County Council at...
April 2, 2012
How to Kill Ants naturally
7:58 AM

When you see an ant (or any bug) it is natural to reach for a can of insect spray. While this will kill the ants on contact,they may come back in the next day or two. What if you don't have any insect spray? There are a lot of things you may have laying colse to the house that will kill them- and keep them away for good!
It is always good to try any different things to get rid of these pesty creatures. Ants can invade the cleanest of homes....
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