February 14, 2012

Termites: Do You Have Them and What to Do?

Among the many insects in the world, termites are the ones most feared by homeowners because they can really eat you out of house and home. Contrary to what many citizen think, these wood chomping creatures don't only eat wood. They can also eat paper and books, and cause damage to insulation and filtration systems. In a nutshell, if you have termites, you have a problem.

Termites ordinarily come around the late spring. In the earlier part of the season, the insects grow wings and begin "swarming" or finding for a new place in which they can start a new colony. This helps the termites spread out, production sure that they find cut off food sources and propagate as much as they can. They're animals after all, and spreading themselves around is hardwired into their system. Once they've found an area, the insect falls to the ground, sheds its wings, mates with another insect and begins a new colony underground.

Now, some citizen confuse termites with ants because some ants also tend to swarm at the same time that termites do. The inequity is that termites have white or silvery bodies. Spotting a white or silvery ant near or around your home could indicate that you have an infestation problem. It is your first indicator that you need to check your home for signs of infestation.

One clear sign of infestation is when you have soil based tubes on top of wooden walls or floors. These mud tubes can be thick or thin, but they're width is ordinarily no bigger than the size of a standard pencil. The insects build them in order to safe themselves as they move from their hidden colonies and through the house. An exterminator may break apart these tubes to see if they find any cream colored employee termites. finding these means that the colony and infestation is active. Not finding them could mean that the tubes are old and the colony is no longer active, but it could also mean that there are no workers there at the moment.

Not all termites will make these tubes, however, so the best way to verify a termite infestation is to still call an master to check on the structure and see if there are any parts in the wood that seem weakened or hollow. At the same time, it is foremost to check the books and papers, and other places where termites may find something to chomp on.

A severe termite infestation can cost thousands of dollars to repair, especially if the area they attacked is the foundation of the home. To forestall any of this from happening, think about termite prevention plans. You can build your home with treated wood, as well as plant termite killers in the ground. Talk to an insect exterminator to discuss what preventive measures you can take today.

Termites: Do You Have Them and What to Do?

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