March 27, 2012

Death to Fleas

Summers here in Texas can be brutal! The intense heat, the humidity. Not a summer passes without hearing of at least one person collapsing from heat exhaustion. I am fortunate to possess what every Texan aspires to own: air conditioning. Now that might seem as mundane as, say owning an indoor toilet, but truth be told, there's still many people here in Texas today who do not have A/C. In fact, until I was thirteen, I also lived in a house with no...

March 23, 2012

think fat In Vs Out And Macronutrients For Maximum Results

Something curious I was reasoning about the other day... Let's say you burn, on average, 2500 calories a day. Whatever, we just need a amount here. And you eat 6000 calories a day (that's a lot of food, but can be realistically consumed by an average person). If a pound of fat is 3500 calories, you'd be gaining 1 pound every single day (well that's the issue at hand). Now, let's say you were to continue this pattern for a month. Hell, let's up the...

March 18, 2012

rehabilitation of Yeast Infections

Yeast infections do occur, whether it is a baby or a geriatric person that suffers it; male or female; in any part of the body from the mouth, to the genitalia, and everywhere in between where there is a fold of skin that provides warmth and moisture. Remember that yeast is present in our body and can beyond doubt be controlled by the bacteria that we also have in abundance. However, sometimes, the natural balance of the body is upset and all of...

March 13, 2012

Texas Holdem Tournament Strategy - Poker Tournament Fundamentals

This is the second in the Texas Holdem Strategy Series, focusing on no limit Texas Hold'em poker tournament play and associated strategies. In the first installment, we examined a real-world tournament scenario and how to handle a single class of difficult players - the "maniacs", aggressive, wild players that are commonly encountered in today's poker tournament venues. In this article, we'll seek the techniques that were used more closely...

March 9, 2012

Boric Acid - The Best Roach Killer

Roaches are a disgusting horror when you don't know how to get rid of them. Fortunately there is a low toxic productive clarification : Boric Acid. Why It's The Best There are two original reasons boric acid is the best.1- Roaches can't invent immunity to the acid. Roaches have a waxy substance on them that holds in moisture. Boric acid eats off the wax and it dehydrates the roach.2- Roaches take the Boric Acid back to the nest. Boric...

March 4, 2012

Tv Shows For Backpackers

Not many television shows are produced with backpackers in mind. Still, there are some tv shows that can be appreciated especially by backpackers. They may even include some beneficial lessons. Here are some examples of the best. The excellent National Geographic Specials Specials produced by the National Geographic community are great viewing when you want to get motivated for new backpacking trips. The older ones are some of the best for this,...

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